Trans. (English) Wow, what a rain.
The kaona (Hawaiian) The conversation and interaction was amazing (joyous, delightful, lively)!
I sit to write.
The sound of the rain pounds.
Heavy beat.
The curved metal roof shelters.
I am dry.
My ears, heart this rain.
Because we live outside and so close to 'aina (the land and all her elemental company) we know on a morning like this once you step out you going get wet! Grab your hoodie or the big umbrella. Forty to fifty steps, depended upon whose stepping, will be required to get from the Quonset (here) to the sleeping place (there), and half as many steps to get to the stove and oven under the eaves of the hale 'au'au (wash house). The Sun has yet to rise so unless there are lights turned on small lakes will be in the pathways; we learn to sidestep them, a flashlight helps.
Ua le'ale'a no was the message Malia Nobrega-Olivera sent out to all the HuiAimalama FB folks who participated in Monday's online lecture about becoming Mauliauhonua.
The message reinforced the expanding sense (that's Jupiter paired up with that Libra Full Moon) that was spread out (another Jupiter characteristic) using contemporary tools (the Internet, interactive software). The two hour online lecture and interactive question and answer and discussion that took place was truly a pounding beat of rain (nourishment). 52 participants from the Hawaiian Islands, 1 participant from Texas, 1 participant from Aotearoa and 1 participant from Washington creating that ua le'ale'a no.
I woke from a dream this morning. In it I was part of two groups. At different times in my waking life I have been in these kinds of groups. The first group a 12-Step meeting just getting organized, I had to leave when someone showed up with heavily fragranced product. I told the leader "I have chemical sensitivities, I have to go." The second group was a corporate setting. A company was being bought out, I recognized the signs and sought out the man in HR who would give me the scoops/the process for transition. We knew each other well. He was a brown-skinned man dressed in an Aloha shirt. There were forms to fill out, he did that for me and said, "You mind going to two other places?" I trusted him. In the next part of the dream I was in an aircraft loud and tinny sounding. Two other women were seated in front. No one wore seat belts. I buckled up, crossed my legs (there was plenty of leg-room!) When we landed I asked, "Do you know where we are? What country this is?" The women were vacant. I could not understand the language on the street signs. The final scene in the dream was a view of the itinerary for the transitional team's take-over. It was the size of the RVs that caught my attention. All of them were big. These are places I have been. Places where I have been, and done what I did.
As I ferret the thoughts and words to compose this post, the rain has changed; the drops no less heavy there are pauses between the pelts. I'm hoping for a break in the ua action long enough to stand outside to make a pot of oatmeal for breakfast. We have a road trip planned in a couple hours and a good breakfast will be a good thing. New sounds add to the pelts of ua: birdsong. I heard them in the darkened morning sky as I walked to the outhouse. Robins. Now, I hear Sparrow welcoming the light of the Sun.
The 'Aimalama group grounds me to a root connection that supports and empowers me and Pete to apply what we are learning in our lives as aware and awakened folks (mauli). The online lecture was chocked full of intelligence and inquiry; discussion and perspectives similiar and unique. The conversation was a private event for those of us using traditional practices to adapt to current climate (of all kinds) change. The content for the lecture included 5 components. (Before I share the details of these components I will ask for permission.) But, the final component was this from Kalei Nuuhiwa:
Become Mauliauhonua - "Be the App"The final component is to work towards becoming the expert in your neighborhood or community. Tell us what you can do to start building your foundational database of your location.After I have communicated with Kalei and her gang, I hope to come back here to keep building on the foundation of sharing the long tale here at The Safety Pin Cafe. Keep your kilo genes turned on.
kilo. Stargazer, reader of omens, seer, astrologer; kind of looking glass (obs.) to watch closely, spy, examine. - Hawaiian Dictionary, Pukui & Elbert