Saturday, July 14, 2018

Safety Pin Cafe LIVE!

A whole lot of living has gone on since last we hoisted our homemade banner (September, 2016) and gathered stories to tell at the Safety Pin Cafe. We're gonna do just that next month on Sunday, August 12, 2018. Please join us if you're on Whidbey Island, or plan a ferry ride to come visit!

"Everything is held together with stories. That is all that is holding us together, stories and compassion." 
- Barry Lopez
Setting up for "Power of Story" September, 2016

Mokihana Calizar & Friends 
invite you to  
The Safety Pin Cafe 
Mokihana & Pete after one of the earliest Safety Pin Cafe events

"Water Catchers ... all the ways we flow" 

Opening with 'oli, inviting the audience to help create sacred space & participate in the telling of several of the stories,
 Mokihana and Pete open the doors of the place born on 
'a day only a duck could love.' 

Mokihana will share Traditional Indigenous stories to lay down the wisdom of Kanaka (Hawaiian) and Native Peoples of the Salish Sea. In the second half of the program original Medicine Stories written to navigate contemporary times invite application of traditional wisdom in today's worlds. The audience will be encouraged to join in the telling and the reading of these two types of stories to make this an all-in-event.

We've invited Linda Good and her ukulele hui Kanikapila to join Mokihana for an added bonus to the meaning of flow!

The event will conclude with a fun group sing and body percussion rendition of Lead Belly's 
Bring Me a Little Water Sylie 

Moira Smiley's YouTube Instruction is the inspiration for this new to me venue. 

Come make the late summer event something you'll remember when you listen & participate in the songs and stories that keep us flowing... 

South Whidbey Tilth
Farmers' Market
2812 Thompson Road 
on the Corner of Thompson Road and Highway 525
Sunday, August 12, 2018
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

This is a fragrance-free event. 
Please arrive without scented products in your clothes or on your body.