Monday, April 7, 2014

'Ole Pau also means never ending

Today and tonight according to the Hawaiian Moon Calendar Kaulana Mahina, kanaka name the phase 'Ole Pau. Literally translated from Hawaiian the word 'ole means empty, or none; pau means done or over. When you are counting the moon (phases) the 'Ole Pau moon is the fourth day/night when new projects, planting or harvesting is best left for other times. 'Ole phases in general are the times of rest, weeding, repair and preparation. These times, also known as the Quarter Moon phases are the between moons. Times when what was cleared of old and begun with the Empty or Dark Moon have a short but forward motion, a history. When the activities, intentions and projects begun with the Moon's Cycles in mind are attended to the 'Ole Moons are a significant and useful check point and time to consider what is working, what might need tending/mending/weeding.

Hina The Moon moves around us; she moves and affects and is in turn affected by her bigger sister Papa Hana Moku Earth. Hina pulls on the water salty and fresh; the tides rise and fall within the oceans, streams and internal waters with all beings (us included). The sun affects Hina, lighting her so we see her at night. See is also visible on clear days in the morning, or midday, or most of the day if you know to find her. 'Ole Pau (half moon) is one of those see-Hina-in-the-day moons. She rises shortly after noon and will be in the sky until close to 3 AM tomorrow morning.

The cycles of the moon are such a power influence for us on Earth. In addition to pulling on the waters on Earth and us, the moon affects the ways we feel. Our flowing energy -- emotions --- are tapped in different ways, at different times. Astrology and personal tracking has helped me tune myself to Hina. This ramble expands the meaning of the 'Ole Pau moon by living the metaphor of the moon. 'Olelo Hawaii the Hawaiian language is rich with kaona, mixed meanings and poetic significances. Indigenous cultures like that of the Kanaka Maoli lives and sustains because its language is rich, multiply applicable and hidden with meanings that ripen when the student is ready.

Blessed with the energy of a moon that also means 'never ending' this mo'olelo (this post) celebrates the continuity of Common Magic for Uncommon Necessity ... the service which is at the foundation of The Safety Pin Cafe. The service: stories. The venue: Medicine Stories The vehicle: cyberspace all the time and story tents Summer and Fall. The Lunar New Year 2014 began with Medicine Story #2: The Joy Weed Journal. The tales from the mythic town of Salish grow with birthing twins born from eggs and the introduction of a timeless traveler and guide named MAX. Time does move, and our characters age. The medicine and magic loves being part of my world, so it persists and insists on being born, too.

On this 'Ole Pau Moon, Medicine Story #3 is now being offered as I write it. Magic is never ending, and how lucky I am to have a higher power who loves speak to me through story! If you love the never ending story you might like reading this: Mend Meddle Magic is its name.

"Copper is for luck!" Pick a penny, tuck it safe. Watch it grow. Read the newest medicine story, enjoy the magic once more. And if you click on the video on the sidebar 'MUDPIES TO MA'O' you'll see how that young woman's story inspired medicine in Mend Meddle Magic.

Aloha nui loa a pau,